Grabbing the attention of new customers is all about balancing story and creative. Although you may not be pitching your client in a board room, the steps to success are along the same lines.
Don’t hide your personality Businesses are made up of people, and in this world of social media, people don't want to be talked to as if you are hiding being a corporate name, but rather enjoy seeing personality and vulnerability. Oftentimes, opening up can help you land clients that you may not have otherwise.
Consider the nature of how the relationship started This is a fancy way of saying - where did your audience find you - was it organic, was it through media, word of mouth, etc. Depending on the method they came to you, talk to them a bit differently. Make them feel like you don't just have a canned marketing message, but rather custom to channel and person.
Make ‘em sick, make ‘em well: Highlight the problems in your customer's life that your product solve and then tell them how you solve it. People want to know what they're buying into will have some purpose in their life.
Leave a lasting impression Set yourself apart from others and leave a lasting impression by creating a message they can't ignore. It could be with the quality or functionality of the product, customer service, or content on your page.
Leveraging a combination of story and imagery you can help drive your message and heighten brand loyalty. These days, connection with your audience is more important than a page full of empty content - no matter how beautiful, but that doesn't mean you should leave that beautiful content on the sideline. Building a story through both words, videos and imagery will create that lasting impression that keeps them coming back for more!